Tainted Recluse

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Tainted Recluse is a Tainted character added in The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode.

He can be unlocked by opening the hidden closet in Home.png Home (using Red Key.png, link = https://bindingofisaacrebirth.fandom.com/wiki/Cracked_Key Cracked Key, or Soul of Cain.png Soul of Cain on the left corridor) while playing as RecluseHead.pngRecluse.

He starts the run with three Black Heart and Wikihover Reclusive tendencies.png Reclusive Tendencies.

This character is all about damaging and dealing poison damage to enemies by keeping his PoisonHeart.png Toxic Hearts filled.

Abilities & Traits


  • Tainted Recluse has its own type of heart filling up 6 Heart Container spaces : PoisonHeart.png Toxic Hearts.
  • While there are still Toxic Hearts in the health bar, Tainted Recluse shoots poison tears similarly to Wikihovering Scorpio.png Scorpio.
  • Toxic Hearts decreases over time at a configurable speed and increases when dealing damage.
  • Upon being hit, Tainted Recluse loose all his Toxic Hearts and he cannot regain any until he kills one enemy.
    • After this, he will quickly gains Toxic Hearts for 5 seconds and get 50% more Toxic Hearts per damage over the course of 10 seconds.



"Healthy Friends"

  • While Tainted Recluse has Toxic Hearts, every tears deal poison effect.
  • Upon being hit while having Toxic Hearts, Tainted Recluse leaves a damaging green creep.
    • The size, the duration and the damage of the creep depends on how many Toxic Hearts Tainted Recluse had before taking damage (from 1 damage per tick to 5 damage per tick at max toxicity).

Unlockable Achievements

